Free Public DNS Servers from Google
Public DNS | Google Developers The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is an important part of the web's infrastructure, serving as the Internet's phone book: every time you visit a website, your computer performs a DNS lookup. How to Enable DNS Over HTTPS in Google Chrome Mar 03, 2020 Google Public DNS
Configure Router to Use Google Public DNS. Google Public DNS is a free DNS resolution service that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider. Configuring Google DNS for your router is very easy. Let’s get started. Enter your router IP address in the browser and hit enter. If you don’t know the IP address, then try entering:
Use Google DNS in Windows 10 - how to change Windows 10 As shown below, you can enter the Google public DNS servers into the bottom set of boxes titled “Use the following DNS server addresses”. After entering the DNS servers you wish to use into the boxes, click “OK”. Please note, for these steps, you should modify ONLY the bottom two fields stating “Use the following DNS server addresses”. How (and Why) to Change Your DNS Server | PCMag
Get Started | Public DNS | Google Developers
Dec 04, 2009 · Now select ‘Use the following DNS Server addresses’ and enter the primary and secondary Google DNS IP addresses. If you want to configure in the router so that everyone can benefit from it, open the router dashboard, find the option that asks for DNS Server addresses and enter the Google DNS Server addresses(i.e, and Jan 22, 2020 · Add Google Public DNS to Your Router From a computer on your network, launch a browser and type in the IP of your router and hit Enter. Usually, it’s or similar. If you’re not sure,